Why choose a one-on-one investment?

My 1:1 mentorship is for photographers who value direct support and accountability in their business. I have been where you are numerous times. You crave someone to guide you and give you actionable steps to grow your business. Whether you are starting out and want to learn how to make this into a business or if you are stuck and feel uninspired and need that extra nudge of encouragement to get you back on track, I would love to hear from you

“Thank you so much Cheney for giving me so much confidence. You are an amazing educator and a phenomenal photographer. I am so excited to learn more from you”

Topics we can dive into

+ Branding

+ Marketing

+ Social media tips

+ Finding your dream clients

+ Website

+ Editing tips | Process

+Improving client experience

+ Wedding day guidance

+ Posing

+ Camera settings

+ Camera gear

+ Camera settings

+ More

R1500 p|Hour

What is the next step?

If you are ready to take the next step and invest back into your business, i cannot wait to hear from you. Simply click the link below to schedule your one on one call with me!

Photographer educator